Our mission is to provide timely access to high quality medical care for various ear problems

1939 Hickory Ave, suite 106 Harahan, LA 70123

Clinic phone: 504-667-3450

Lander Coscarart,

Lander Coscarart received his Bachelor of Science degree with a subspecialty in Exercise Science from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2008 and Bachelor of Science Nursing degree from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans in 2011. During his career as a Registered Nurse, he served in various departments including the medical, cardiac, neurologic and surgical intensive care units, emergency, and medical stepdown units at Ochsner Medical Center in New Orleans, LA. In 2018, Lander Coscarart graduated summa cum laude from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - New Orleans with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. After completing his doctorate, he received his Otolaryngology training at Ochsner Medical Center where he practiced and served as Lead Advance Practice Provider for the Department of Otolaryngology for four years. During this time, Lander Coscarart has published eight otolaryngology topics in Amelie Hollier’s Clinical Guidelines in Primary Care, fourth edition. He is certified through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Lander Coscarart is a member of the Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners and American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

Coscarart Earwax & Ear Health Clinic has been established to provide accessible high-quality treatment of common disorders and diseases involving the ears. Most urgent care and primary care facilities, although capable, lack the resources to adequately evaluate the ear. In addition, many patients wait weeks to months to get in with an ENT physician to treat a simple issue such as earwax blockage and ear infections that should not need a specialist visit. When an ENT specialist evaluation is need, we will refer you to the right ENT provider who manages your particular issue.



Earwax, also known as cerumen, is secreted by glands in the canal of the ear. Earwax has an important function in the ear in that it helps prevent infection and lubricates the ear. Most of the time the ears are able to push the wax out on its own. For some people, earwax becomes blocked in the ear. This is where we can help.


Earwax buildup can occur for various reason:

  • Over production of earwax

  • Hairy ear canals

  • Narrow ear canals

  • Ear devices such as hearing aids, ear plugs, ear phones

  • Use of cotton tip devices in ears


It is not possible to reduce the amount of wax you produce, but there are ways to stop it building up. Use wax softening drops or oil once or twice a week, or according to your doctor’s instructions. Avoid cleaning the ear canals with your fingertips, cotton buds and other objects. Limit ear cleaning to the outer ear only.


First you may try wax-softening drops such as Debrox for a few days. Mineral or Olive oil can also be used. These oils soften the earwax and help it fall out on its own. When you apply the drops to your ear, lie with the ear containing the drops facing upwards for 5-10 minutes. If the drops cause pain stop using the drops and see your healthcare provider.